Hoping everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving! We here at the Krol household were definitely blessed to ALL be together this year. We spent the day at Stan's parents in Baltimore with both his sisters' families and lots of wonderful cousins and aunts as well. It was the first time in several years that all our families had been together. We got a wonderful group picture of all the kids (see below)...it was so fun to see them all together!
It is so hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner! I can't remember a fall season that has passed so quickly for me before (must be a sogn of my age and/or busyness)! I have really been slack about blogging and I apologize to anyone that reads our ramblings. Life has been very, very busy between Catherine's recovery, home schooling, and (of course) swimming. (Even today I have a couple kids at the pool...no rest for the weary swimmers :) Mostly, I have been wanting to share how beautifully Catherine has recovered. It is a joy to have our happy-go-lucky sweetheart back with us. For quite some time after her hospital experience she was rather solemn and sad. Now she is mostly all smiles and giggles...praise God! Thank you for your continued support and prayers. We will head back to the Orthopedic surgeon soon to asess her need for the grow rod. Please pray with us that her spine has straightened up enough after the release that she will not need it. We will keep you posted. Enjoy some updated pictures below :)
Zoning in front of the Nintendo Wii
Catherine and her cousin, Trinity
All of the Krol Cousins